
A compilation of resources for our BIPOC community

Not part of our community yet? Learn more about it and sign up on the About Our Community page!

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  • Yvette Baker

    Yvette Baker is writer, educator, social critic, and total liberation activist. Her work and activism have been devoted to critically examining the connections between human and beyond-human oppression through an Afro-Indigenous lens.

  • Christopher "Soul" Eubanks

    Christopher “Soul” Eubanks is a social justice advocate, public speaker and non-profit director raised in Atlanta, GA, who has dedicated himself to doing advocacy work that advocates for collective liberation. Christopher is the founder of APEX Advocacy.

  • Dominique Sade

    Dominique Sade is a seasoned interdisciplinary coach, facilitator and CEO of Dominique Sade Healing & Wellness Institute. With over a decade of experience and a passion for holistic health and well-being, she combines her certifications in Personal Training, Nutrition, Mindfulness & Compassion, and Qigong to address prevalent health challenges. Dominique Sade continues her trailblazing work by extending her services to APEX Advocacy, where she continues to advocate for the well-being of all sentient beings.

Jumpstart Your Activism with Our BIPOC Activism Starter Guide

Animal rights spaces in western societies have – whether consciously or unconsciously – been historically conceptualized and built around issues of “whiteness”: that is, white thought leaders, white privilege, and  the socioeconomic benefits that come with being white. This has led to veganism and animal rights causes being associated with an inherent level of whiteness, largely leaving out BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) from the conversation and the larger animal liberation movement. Our BIPOC Animal Activism Starter Guide exists to bridge this gap in animal advocacy by helping BIPOC activists, individuals, and communities activate their engagement in animal liberation as a social justice cause worthy of their efforts and which is, in fact, foundationally interlocked with their own liberation.

APEX Slack Channel

Our online Slack community is the central hub for our community to communicate, share resources, network and share community.

Past Monthly Activism Training Recordings

View the recordings from past Activism Training Sessions on our Youtube channel.

*These recordings are password-protected and community-only to protect the privacy of our community members.

Upcoming Events

View our calendar or visit us on Instagram to find an event to participate in!

Our Community Guidelines

While we encourage free and vibrant interaction, it’s important to note that we do have guiding principles in place to ensure our interactions remain respectful, kind, and aligned with our mission.

Resource Library

To support your ongoing professional development as you grow your leadership skills in the animal protection movement, we have a compilation of free resources including funding opportunities, past training recordings, recommended reading, and more.

Here are some key values and practices that define our community:

  1. Respect for All Beings: We extend our respect to all human and nonhuman animals, abstaining from promoting animal products in any APEX Advocacy spaces.

  2. Creating a Brave Space: Our goal is to foster a brave space where empathy, understanding, and growth flourish. We engage thoughtfully, sharing knowledge and experiences while making room for others to do the same.

  3. Practicing Empathy: Understanding and sharing the feelings of others is at the heart of our interactions. We strive to sense and appreciate what others are going through.

  4. Embracing a Learning Stance: Difficult conversations are navigated with openness and a willingness to understand diverse perspectives. We listen, learn, and grow through each other’s stories.

  5. Encouraging Positive Engagement: Mistakes are opportunities for learning. We prefer call-ins to address errors and encourage doing so promptly and respectfully.

  6. Speaking Up and Making Amends: When impacted by someone’s actions, we voice our feelings constructively. If we cause hurt, we listen, reflect, and seek to make amends.

  7. Taking Responsibility: Each of us owns our contributions to the community. We address concerns within our community space, maintaining confidentiality and respect, including on social media.

Non-compliance with these values may lead to individual discussions with APEX Advocacy team members and, if necessary, could result in dismissal from our community. We're excited to embark on this journey with you. Together, let's create a community that not only advocates for animal liberation but also practices kindness, empathy, and understanding in every interaction.